
We have been happy to Embrace Your Geekness since 2009

When posed with a choice between X-Men or Avengers on a Facebook poll, Kevin Fuss’s answer surprised Shane Lyon. Shane responded, “not that I want to sound like a 40-year old comic book geek, but …”

Kevin responded that “there is nothing wrong with sounding like a 40-year old comic book geek. Embrace your geekness.”

Shane enjoyed the phrase and took the concept and ran with it. Bonding with two other high school classmates, the foursome became the founding members of EYG.

After six years with a website at a previous location, EYG has moved to its new home at Word Press!

We will feature:

Movie Reviews

Blogs on pop culture

News, news, news

A year in review

Our ever expanding EYG Hall of Fame

As well as many other surprises as the years continue.

Geek culture is now our American culture.  At one point, being a geek was looked down upon, but now Geek culture is everywhere.  One could argue that President Obama was the USA’s first Geek president.

Embrace Your Geekness is a way of life.


Embrace Your Geekness