LOST Episodes Ranked

Here it is.  The official EYG LOST rankings of episodes #113 to #1.  This has been a fun month or so rewatching this EYG Hall of Fame series that redefined so much about television.  Placing this list in order is very difficult because there were very few poor episodes of LOST.  Most of them were really good to exceptional and fell together.  Because of that, some episodes that feel like they should be a higher number may be lower than expected.  Anyway…here we go.

#113.  S3 E9 Stranger in a Strange Land.  This is the easiest of the episodes to rank because it is clearly the worst LOST episode.  Jack and his tats.

#112.  S 2 E11 Fire + Water.  Charlie dealing with his drug addiction way too late and doing things way out of character.  This is the birth of Dark Charlie, but it thankfully only lasted a few episodes.

#111.  S1 E13 Hearts & Minds.  Boone is in love with Shannon and Locke gives him some weird-o commune drugs to make him see what the Island wants him to see… which is Shannon getting killed by the Smoke Monster.

#110.  S1 E22 Born to Run. Kate enlists Sun’s help to try and poison one of the guys on the raft so they cannot leave and Kate can continue to run.

#109.  S2 E5 …And Found.  Sun loses her wedding ring and we meet Jae for the first time.

#108.  S6 E10  The Package.  Desmond is brought to the Island in Charles Widmore’s sub.  Sun hits her head and forgets how to speak English.

#107.  S4 E6  The Other Woman.  Juliet has a relationship with the married Goodwin, and Ben doesn’t like that.  This is one of the few episodes where Ben shows some kind of crazy stalker desire for Juliet.

#106.  S2 E16. The Whole Truth.  A Sun and Jin flashback episode where Sun finds out that she is pregnant.  Jin wants the whole truth and Sun lies to him, though we do not know that she is lying.

#105.  S1 E3 Tabula Rasa.  The first flashback episode as we learn more about Kate and Mars.  Sawyer shoots Mars but misses the heart forcing Jack to put him out of his misery.

#104.  S3 E1 A Tale of Two Cities.  Jack, Kate and Sawyer are brought to Hydra Island and we are introduced to Juliet.

#103.  S1 E21 The Greater Good Boone’s funeral and Locke returns leading to trouble.  Shannon tries to shoot John because she thinks he killed Boone.

#102.  S1 E6 House of the Rising Sun.  Sun reveals to Michael that she can speak English as she tries to protect Jin from a misunderstanding.

#101.  S2 E22 Three Minutes.  Michael’s trip after Walt in detail.  He is captured by the Others and offered a deal that if he finds a way to release “Henry” that he and Walt would be reunited.

#100.  S6 E3 What Kate Does.  Kate escapes Mars again in her flash-sideways and hijacks a taxi with Claire inside.  However, Kate does not run and returns to help Claire.

#99.  S4 E10 Something Nice Back Home.  Jack’s appendix needs to be removed which falls to Juliet to do.

#98.  S1 E12 Whatever the Case May Be.  Kate discovers a pond and in the pond is some more wreckage of 815, including the case carried by Mars.  Inside there is something that Kate must have back.

#97.  S5 E5 This Place is Death.  The group continues to flash through time on the Island and John is ready to do what he can to stop it.

#96.  S1 E15 Homecoming.  Claire returns suffering from amnesia after being grabbed by Ethan.

#95.  S1 E5 White Rabbit.  Jack chases after the vision of his father who leads him to water and Adam and Eve.

#94.  S3 E2 The Glass Ballerina.  Sun flashback episode where her infidelity is revealed.  Jack and Ben make a deal over his back surgery.

#93.  S4 E8 Meet Kevin Johnson.  The Island is not through with Michael yet and so Michael is pulled back from the edge of suicide to find himself on the freighter as Ben’s spy.

#92.  S4 E2 Confirmed Dead.  We see how the characters from the freighter are recruited by Widmore.  Meanwhile, the people on the Island start to doubt the motives of the freighter crew.

#91.  S6 E5 Sundown.  Down goes the Temple.  The Smoke Monster attacks the Others at the Temple killing them all.

#90.  S1 E17 …In Translation.  The same story basically as House of the Rising Sun, but from Jin’s POV.  Someone set the raft on fire.

#89. S3 E3 Further Instructions.  John Locke living at a commune.  On Island, Locke tries to save Mr. Eko from the polar bears.

#88.  S4 E4 Eggtown.  Kate is on trial for her list of crimes after she returns as one of the Oceanic 6.

#87.  S2 E18  The Long Con.  Sawyer sets up a long con in order to get his hands on the guns and the medication.  Sawyer says there is a new sheriff in town.  This might be higher up the list if Sawyer had maintained the attitude for longer.

#86.  S2 E18 What Kate Did.  Kate blows up her “step”-father Wayne and tells her mother about it.  Mistake as she turns Kate in to police, starting her time on the run.

#85.  S3 E12 Par Avion.  Claire meets her real father Christian.  On Island, she tries to catch a migratory bird.

#84.  S3 E11  Enter 77.  Sayid, Locke, Kate and Danielle find a Dharma outpost with Mikhail manning it.

#83.  S2 E19  S.O.S.  Rose and Bernard flashback episode where we learn that Rose had cancer before coming to the Island, but that she was now cancer-free.

#82.  S3 E18.  D.O.C.  Juliet takes Sun to the medical Hatch to see when she conceived her baby.

#81.  S2 E15 Maternity Leave. What happened to Claire during the time that she was abducted by Ethan?  We find out here, including several tidbits about the mysterious Others.

#80.  S3 E15.  Left Behind.  Kate and Juliet wind up being handcuffed together in the jungle as the Others left them behind.

#79.  S1 E8  Confidence Man.  Sayid and Jack strap Sawyer to a tree to torture him in order to find Shannon’s asthma medication.

#78.  S5 E2 The LieThe Oceanic 6 agree that they must tell the world a lie about where they have been in order to protect their friends they left on the Island.  Hurley is very uncomfortable.

#77.  S1 E10. Raised by Another.  Claire is told by a psychic that she must be the person to raise her child or else bad things will happen.  This would also be higher on the list if the credibility of the psychic isn’t called into question.

#76.  S1 E9 Solitary.  Sayid leaves camp, ashamed about his actions against Sawyer and he finds Danielle Rousseau, the French woman.

#75.  S4 E7 Ji Yeon.  The show plays both a flash forward (Sun giving birth) and a flashback (Jin rushing to hospital for business).

#74.  S5 E6  316.  The Oceanic 6 (sans Aaron) get on the Ajira flight 316 that is heading over the window of the Island, according to Ms. Hawkins at the Lamppost station.

#73.  S5 E9 Namaste.  Sawyer arranges for Jack, Kate and Hurley to be on the sub and join the Dharma Initiative.

#72.  S6 E8 Recon.  Sawyer heads over to Hydra Island to see what he can find out about the Ajira plane.  Instead, he finds Charles Widmore.

#71.  S1 E14 Special.    Michael and Locke need to bond together in order to save Walt from a polar bear.

#70.  S2 E4 Everybody Hates Hugo. Hurley is put in charge of the food in the Hatch and fears that everybody would turn on him, just like everybody did when he won the lottery.

#69.  S5 E13 Some Like It Hoth.  Hurley and Miles have a bonding moments talking about their fathers and their super powers.  Miles reveals that Dr. Chang is his father.

#68. S1 E11 All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues.  Jack turned his father in for being drunk while he operated.  On Island, Hurley takes a census and discovered that Ethan was not on the plane.

#67.  S2 E6 Abandoned.  Shannon sees a vision of Walt.  She runs into the Tailies coming across the Island and Anna-Marie shoots her by accident.

#66.  S2 E2 Adrift.  The story of what happened to Michael and Sawyer and how they survived on the raft is told.

#65.  S5 E11 Whatever Happened, Happened.  After Sayid shot little Ben, Kate and Sawyer go to extreme measures to save the life of the child.

#64.  S3 E6 I Do.  Kate’s marriage to Kevin is shown.  Meanwhile on the Island, Jack’s plan to get Sawyer and Kate to safety is underway.

#63.  S5 E10 He’s Our You. The Others take Sayid to their “torturer” in order to get him to tell the truth.  Sayid does, but they do not believe him.

#62.  S1 E19  Deux Ex Machina.  Locke meets his real father, Anthony Cooper, who cons Locke out of his kidney.

#61.  S2 E7 The Other 48 DaysThis episode tells what happened during the first 48 days on the Island to the Tail section survivors.

#60.  S5 E4 The Little Prince.  The Island is flashing through time causing the on Island people to start to get nose bleeds.

#59.  S1 E20 Do No Harm.  Boone dies in an emotional moment.  Jack planned on amputating Boone’s leg in an effort to save him, but Boone was a “sacrifice that the Island demanded.”

#58.  S3 E4 Every Man for Himself.  In flashback, we see Sawyer con his way out of prison and we learn that Cassidy had Sawyer’s baby, Clementine.

#57.  S3 E16 One of Us.  Juliet arrives back at the survivors’ camp and is not very welcome.  Claire gets sick and Juliet is able to help her.

#56.  S2 E8 Collision.  After Ana-Lucia shot Shannon, she holds Sayid prisoner and demands supplies from Michael.

#55.  S4 E3 The Economist.  Sayid has become an assassin and he is killing people involved with Charles Widmore…all for Ben Linus!

#54.  S1 E7 The Moth. Jack gets trapped in a cave in and Charlie tries to get him out, despite suffering form withdrawals from his heroin habit.

#53.  S2 E11 The Hunting Party.  Jack, Locke, Sawyer go after Michael, who has taken off after Walt.  Kate gets captured and the Others, led by Tom, shows their strength.

#52.  S6 E13 The Last Recruit.  Sawyer leads a rebellious escape from the Locke/Smokie, but jack decides to stay on the Island and jumps off the boat.

#51.  S5 E14 The Variable.  Daniel Faraday thinks he has the answer to their time travel trouble.  He says detonate the Jughead bomb in the Swan station electromagnetic pocket.  He says that it would change the future.

#50.  S2 E21    ?.  Locke and Mr. Eko find the Pearl station and Locke loses his faith even more.

#49.  S3 E17 Catch-22.  Desmond has one of his visions of Charlie’s death, but this time, Desmond wants the vision to come true.

#48.  S6 E12 Everybody Loves Hugo In the flash-sideways, Hugo meets up with Libby and they break  out of the spell and remember.

#47.  S5 E15 Follow the Leader.  The 1977 Losties start to leave Dharma and violence erupts.  Locke starts to lead the Others to Jacob.

#46.  S6 E5 Lighthouse.  Jacob had Hurley take Jack to the Lighthouse and show him the wheel in order to get them out of the Temple.

#45.  S4 E1 The Beginning of the End.  Hurley, one of the Oceanic 6, winds up back at the mental institution when he starts seeing Charlie coming to see him.

#44.   S1 E18 Numbers.  Hurley wins the lottery by playing the mysterious numbers, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, which brings Hugo nothing but bad lick.

#43.  S4 E12 There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1.  The first part of the season finale for season 4.  Some of the survivors are transported to the freighter. Locke and Ben head to the Orchid.

#42.  S1 E16 Outlaws.  Sawyer kills a man in Australia, mistakenly believing that it was the real Sawyer.  On the Island, Sawyer and Kate hunt a boar that seems as if it has a grudge with Sawyer.

#41.  S2 E20  Two for the Road.  Michael returned to the camp and winds up shooting Libby and killing Ana-Lucia in order to help “Henry” escape.

#40.  S2 E1 Man of Science, Man of Faith.  Locke and Jack argue over the Hatch.  Locke eventually heads on down and we meet Desmond for the first time.

#39.  S3 E5 The Cost of Living.  Mr. Eko confronts the Smoke Monster and gets killed by the smoke.

#38.  S2 E14  One of Them.  We meet “Henry” for the first time, trapped in one of Rousseau’s traps.  Hurley and Sawyer hunt a tree frog.

#37. S4 E11 Cabin Fever.  We see the early life of John Locke including the never aging Richard coming to see the prematurely born Locke.

#36.  S1 E23 Exodus, Part 1.  We arrive at the Black Rock for dynamite to blow open the Hatch.  The raft starts on its journey.

#35.  S2 E17 Lockdown.  A buzzer goes off causing the Swan station to go into lockdown.  John’s legs get pinned under the blast doors and Henry helps.

#34.  S3 E21 Greatest Hits.  Charlie remembers the best moments of his life as he prepares to head down to the Looking Glass on a suicide mission.

#33.  S3 E7 Not in Portland.  Juliet gets recruited by the Others to come to the Island.  In present time, Jack completes Ben surgery and Kate and Sawyer escape after Juliet shoots Danny.

#32.  S2 E10 The 23rd Psalm.  Mr. Eko confronts the Smoke Monster and we get the best look at the “security system” yet.  The Smoke Monster leaves Mr.Eko alone.

#31.  S2 E18  Dave.  Hurley starts to hallucinate on the Island, seeing the imaginary friend he had while in the mental institution.

#30.  S5 E1 Because You Left.  Jack and Ben try to reunite the Oceanic 6 and convince them to return to the Island.

#29.  S6 E4 The Substitute.  In the flash-sideways world, Locke tries to come to balance with his paralysis and exactly what he “can’t do.”

#28.  S1 E24/25 Exodus, Part 2.  Part two of  the first season finale, where Locke blows open the hatch and Danielle kidnaps Aaron.

#27.  S3 E19 The Brig.  John Locke comes and gets Sawyer so he can kill Anthony Cooper, who is now mysteriously on the Island.

#26.  S5 E12 Dead is Dead.  Ben summons the Smoke Monster and is judged for his allowing Alex to be killed.

#25.  S6 E16 What They Died For.  The penultimate episode of LOST where the ghost of Jacob comes to the remaining candidates and answers their questions.

#24.  S5 E3 Jughead In their flashing around time. John, Faraday, Miles, Sawyer end up in the 50s and come to the Others camp.  The Others have a bomb.

#23.  S3 E14 Expose. Paolo and Nikki’s flashback episode where we find out that they are diamond thieves and their own selfishness leads to them being buried alive.  Many fans dislike this episode, but to me, it is one of the best.

#22.  S2 E3 Orientation.  We get a chance to see the first orientation video, this one for the Swan, where you have to keep pushing the button to save the world.

#21.  S6 E15 Across the Sea.  The origin story of Jacob and the Man in Black.  Mother finds the pregnant woman, helps her give birth, takes the twins and kills her.  This is another regularly hated episode that I believe is really strong.

#20.  S5 E8 LaFleur.  We see how Sawyer, Juliet, Jin and Miles become part of the Dharma Initiative and we see Sawyer talk to the never aging Richard.

#19.  S6 E7 Dr. Linus Ben has the desire for power in the flash-sideways, but will he sacrifice Alex’s future to get it?  This is very much a parallel to what happened on the Island and Ben makes the right choice this time.

#18.  S6 E1/2 LA X.  It seems that Oceanic Flight 815 landed safely at the airport in LA, but there are some strange differences.  Then, how are they all still back on the Island, now in present day?

#17.  S1 E4 Walkabout.  Don’t tell John Locke what he can’t do!  The flashback shows John trying to go on his Australian walkabout but being denied because he is paralyzed.  Shocking surprise since we know Locke on the Island can walk fine.

#16.  S3 E10 Tricia Tanaka is Dead.  A funny Hurley flashback episode.  On the Island, Hurley finds an old Dharma Initiative van (the one with Ben Linus’s dead father in it) and decides that they need a win and they have to get it running. This features some of the best Sawyer-Jin dialogue of the series.

#15.  S5 E7 The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham.  We see how John Locke, after failing to get any of the Oceanic 6 to return to the Island, winds up in the coffin.  Ben killed him!  And that was after Ben talked John out of doing it.  A truly sad end for one of the best characters on LOST.

#14.  S3 E20 The Man Behind the Curtain.  We find out the back story of Ben Linus, including the fact that he was not born on the Island as he had always said.  We also learn that he, along with the Others, was responsible for the mass murder of the Dharma Initiative.

#13.  S4 E9 The Shape of Things to Come.  This tells us what happened to Ben after he turned the donkey wheel and wound up in Tunisia.  He ends the episode face to face with Widmore and told him he was going to kill his daughter.

#12 S2 E23/24 Live Together, Die Alone.  The Others capture Jack, Hurley, Kate and Sawyer.  Meanwhile, John has locked himself inside the Hatch and has decided that the button would no longer be pushed.  Desmond discovered that he accidentally crashed Oceanic 815.

#11.  S6 E14 The Candidate.  Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Jin, Sun, Hurley, Sayid, and Lapidus steal the submarine and try to escape only to realize too late that it was a trap from the Man in Black.  This is the episode that saw the deaths of Sayid, as well as Jin and Sun.

#10.  S6 E11 Happily Ever After.  Desmond Hume has everything he ever wanted in the flash-sideways, except for love.  Fortunately, there is Charlie Pace here to show him the flashes of another world.  One where love is what is important.  Too bad Charlie had to drive Desmond’s car into the water to make the Scot see.  Another wonderful Desmond and Penny scene here as well.

#9.  S3 E13 The Man form Tallahassee.  John Locke was paralyzed, but we did not know how.  This episode we found out.  When John is approached about Anthony Cooper, he goes to try and stop his father from conning someone else.  Cooper shoved John out of an eighth floor window.  Locke’s very own father tried to kill his son.  It is no wonder Locke was suffering from such a depression when we first see him in the chair.

#8.  S4 E13/14 There’s No Place Like Home, Part 2.  We finally see how the Oceanic 6 wound up back in the real world. Jin blew up on the freighter (not really), Ben Linus turned the donkey wheel which resulted in moving the Island and Lapidus’s helicopter went down. Desmond and Penny are reunited in a lovely moment.

#7.  S5 E16/17 The Incident. We finally meet Jacob!  We see Jack really kick Faraday’s plan into gear to find Jughead and detonate the A-bomb in the location where the Swan station was going to be built.  If there is no Swan station, there is no button to push and 815 never crashes.  Or… is this what always happened and Jack detonating the bomb was always the incident?

#6.  S1 E1/2 Pilot.  Arguably, the best dramatic pilot of all time.  The first 20 minutes is as epic as you are ever going to see with our new hero Jack running across the beach desperately trying to save as many people as he can from this devastating plane cash.  Plus, there is some kind of monster in the jungle.  And polar bears.  Guys, where are we, INDEED!


#5.  S6 E9 Ab Aeterno.  An episode that is as good as many feature films that focuses on the back story of the never aging Richard and his tragic background.  This episode confirmed that Richard arrived on the Island by way of the Black Rock.  The writers threw in a beautiful love story between Richard and Isabella, that, through Hurley’s ability to talk to the dead, is revisited on the Island, saving Richard.  One of the best single flashback episodes ever.


#4.  S3 E8 Flashes Before Your Eyes.  The first Desmond “time travel” episode as Desmond tells what happened after he turned the key in the Swan Hatch.  His consciousness shot back to his days with Penny when they were happy and in love.  Desmond planned on proposing, but Ms. Hawkins told him he could not because he didn’t do it before and he could not change the past.  Whatever happened, happened.  What would have happened if Desmond had gone ahead and proposed?  Who knows.  But this was one more example of the magic between Penny and Desmond.


#3.  S3 E22/23 Through the Looking Glass.  Season three finale where we had the loss of Charlie, sacrificing himself so Desmond would be able to live.  Charlie still took the time to let Desmond know that the freighter off the coast of the Island was “Not Penny’s boat!”  We also followed along with Jack in the real world as he was addicted to pills and having a breakdown.  When could this be taking place?  Everybody’s mouths dropped when we found out that it was taking place in the future.  Jack was off the Island!  So was Kate as we saw her too.  What does that mean?  Is it the freighter who gets them off the Island?  Who else made it home?  So many questions brought up by this, one of the best cliffhanger endings to a season finale ever.


#2.  S6 E17 The End.  The final episode of LOST delivered in all kinds of ways, and I don;t care what anybody has to say about it.  It was an emotionally beautiful story that saw the final fate of our favorite survivors of Oceanic 815.  We saw the final battle between Jack and the Man in Black/John Locke.  We saw Jack pass on the mantel of leadership to Hurley because he knew he was going to die.  The End has brought me to tears every time I have watched it.  I know there are haters out there who think that LOST dropped the ball or did not explain enough of what was going on and they are welcome to their opinions, no matter how wrong they are.  The End is an epic finale for the greatest series ever.


#1.  S4 E5 The Constant.  This Desmond episode is one of the best hours of television you are going to see anywhere.  I absolutely love The Constant as Desmond’s consciousness jumped back between present day and his past and he desperately tried to stop the jumps from happening before it killed him.  How does he do it?  According to Faraday, he had to find a constant, something in common between both time lines.  That meant Penny.  The phone call between Penny and Desmond is electric, crackling with energy and chemistry.  It is the most creative hour of the entire series, and that is saying something.


So there it is.  All of the LOST episodes in order according to EYG.  You may have some differing opinions and that is fine, but this is the list for me.  Honestly, who knows how it might change over time.  That’s the great thing about television.

See you in another life, brother.









LOST Seasons 1-6 Best and Worst


The Best and Worst of the entire series of LOST.

I love LOST.  Rewatching the show this summer was a areal treat and I was able to find surprises throughout and to analyze situations and characters in a different light.  I am anxious to get this out because I may try and do a LOST fan fiction that I have been thinking about before school starts up in mid-August.

The list of the episodes in order from lowest to best will hopefully get completed soon as well.

Best and Worst Episode:  I am saving these for the complete list of LOST episodes.  My choices are not uncommon among other lists of the same.

Best CharacterBen Linus.  So many choices.  This could legitimately be Locke or Jack or Desmond or Kate or Hurley or Sayid.  Ben, however, goes through such a dramatic shift in his character over the years and suffers such pain and loss because of his commitment to the Island only to be rebuked by Jacob…Michael Emerson really brought so much humanity to what could have been a one-note villain that LOST would not have been the same without Ben.

Worst CharacterAchara.  She made no sense.  She was the reason Jack had tattoos but it was nonsensical. She appeared in one episode and never heard of again.

Biggest Waste of a Character Matthew Abaddon.  He should have been an huge character, but he just never got his feet under him and he was dispatched way too easy.  He went from a mysterious enigma to a true waste of time.

Best coupleDesmond and Penny.  This really became the heart of the show.  By the time we reached the Constant, I wanted this couple to get together more than anyone.  They were magical and perfection.

Worst coupleNikki and Paolo They were one of the bigger failures of the show, even though I loved the episode Expose where they met their fate.  They were a response to some criticism that the background members of Oceanic 815 never had any story.  So…we got Nikki and Paolo.

Most tragic couple Jin and Sun.  Easy.  They were separated most of the time.  They wound up dying together in Widmore’s sub, never to see their daughter again.

Best DeathCharlie Hume.  There are a lot of great choices here too but none of the deaths had the impact on the show as Charlie’s demise in season three.  Charlie’s sacrifice was all done to get Claire off the Island.  And she does leave.

Biggest Surprise DeathDr. Leslie Arzt.  He was supposed to be at the Black Rock because he knew how to handle dynamite.  Since Hurley had to pick pieces of Arzt out of his hair several episodes later, Leslie must have been exaggerating his abilities.

Best Character Centric episodesDesmond.  Every flashback episode for Desmond Hume was a great hit.  His story was vital to the story of LOST and showed us what a wonderful character Desmond was.

Best Quote“If we can’t live together, we’re gonna die alone.” -Jack Shephard.  This quote was reused multiple times and even comes into play in the finale.  There were a lot of great quotes, but this one really informed on character (Jack) and plot.

Best SeasonSeason One.  This was a real tough choice as well as Seasons two, four and five had to be in consideration, but the elite first season really put this show on the map.

Worst FatherAnthony Cooper.  On a show with tons of characters with daddy issues, Anthony Cooper is easily the worst.  He threw his son out of an 8th story window and crippled him.

Best FatherPierre Chang.  Although Miles did not know, Dr. Chang sacrificed his happiness with his wife and son to save them from what was going to happen on the Island.

Worst MotherEloise Hawkins.  Yes, she sent her son, Daniel Faraday, to the Island knowing that he would go back in time and that she would unknowingly shoot him.

Best MotherCassidy Phillips.  She got pregnant with Sawyer, but there is no evidence that Clementine was anything but wonderfully loved and taken care of.

Best animalVincent.  Another no-brainer here as Vincent makes the entire series and is involved in the first scene and the final scene.

Best Tail Section CharacterMr. Eko.  I would have liked more with Mr. Eko, but he was clearly the most interesting and compelling character to come out of the tail section.

Best Freighter characterDaniel Faraday.  I really love Miles too, but Faraday was the most interesting and important character to come off that freighter.  He led us to understand the time travel as well as played a huge role in saving Desmond.

Best ActorTerry O’Quinn.  O’Quinn was always brilliant in his performance as John Locke or the creature that took John Locke’s place.  While there were other great actors on the show, O’Quinn gave the consistently most layered performance.

Best Actress: Elizabeth Mitchell.  I hated Juliet for a long time, which is what we were supposed to do and then when we needed to love her, Mitchell turned it around.  She broke your heart when she died and melted it again when reunited with James.

That’s all I have.  Episodes will be next…


LOST Season Six Review

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The final season.  You know, I liked this final season more on this watch than I did the first time. Maybe it was because I knew what the flash-sideways world was so I was able to look at it like it should have been looked at.  I did not have my own preconceived notions or expectations about what was happening that I was able to enjoy it more.  I also saw some new things that I missed the first time through.

Best Episode The End.  I don’t care what anybody says, The End was an emotional thrill-ride that was as satisfying as could be.  If you wanted them to list off all the answers that you don’t understand in a big exposition drop, then you’re gonna be disappointed.  If you want an awesome conclusion to the story about the Oceanic 815 survivors started six years prior, then you probably loved it like I did.  Runner-UpAb Aeterno

Best FlashbackRichard, Ab Aeterno.  Richard’s story finally told was the best flashback, forward or sideways of season six.  It confirmed a lot of the speculations that we had about Richard and it told a wonderful romantic story as well.  Runner-UpAcross the Sea

Best PerformanceTerry O’Quinn.  Terry O’Quinn was remarkable all year long as he was now playing a new character and there were moments where he was spectacularly chilling.  There were other times where he seemed like our old friend Locke.  He played the layers to this villain whom you understood since the moment you found out who he was.  Runner-Up Josh Holloway

Biggest JerkJohn Locke/Man in Black. I think it has to be because, it the end, he tried to murder the entire group by blowing up the submarine and he succeeded in killing Sayid, Jin and Sun.  Runner-UpCharles Widmore

Best DeathSun and Jin.  This one was a heart-breaker, but beautifully done.  Sun and Jin had been separated for most of the last two seasons, off the Island to across time.  They reunited and then, before you knew it, they were drowning.  Such a tragic end for the Kwons.  Runner-Up Jack Shephard

Biggest Surprise: Desmond hits Locke with his car.  Desmond is our hero.  He is here to help everybody…wait…what are you doing???  Stop!  Desmond plowing down a man in a wheelchair seemed to be going opposite of what he had intended. Yet our sneaky Scot apparently knew what he was doing.  Runner-UpSawyer’s a cop?

Funniest Moment: Ilana blows up.  Like Dr. Arzt before her, Ilana needs to be more careful when handling dynamite when the Island is through with you.  Runner-UpFrank Lapidus reactions

Best MomentEveryone meets at the church. The final scene where the group gets together and gets ready to move on is a beautiful ending for these characters story.  Everything built this season to this moment and it big not disappoint. Runner-upJack gives the Island to Hurley.


That is the season 6 review.  I plan on doing a season 1-6 review and expand it a bit and I will be listing the LOST episodes from worst to best as well.

LOST S6 E17 “The End”

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Thanks to Vincent, Jack did not have to die alone.  I hadn’t thought about that until this rewatch so the heart of the scene really hit me even harder.

There was a lot of backlash against “The End” because of the fact that it did not come right out and answer every little question that the series posed (although I could argue that MOST if not almost all of the questions can be answered from what we know) and because some people did not understand the ending.

It became popular to say that the Island was a purgatory and that all of the Oceanic 815 passengers died in the original plane crash.  People used the final scene as evidence since they were all dead there.  These people did not watch this show very closely or had preconceived thoughts that could be altered.

In the finale, Christian Shephard specifically said that everything that happened, happened.  He said that the people were dead, some before Jack and some long after Jack.  That seemed clear to me.  They did not die in the plane crash and everything that happened from season 1-6 actually happened.

The confusion comes from people not understanding the flash-sideways world.  Christian answered this as well when he said that this place was a place they all made up together to find one another.  It also seems that some of them can spend longer times in the flash-sideways world because they are not ready to move on.  It would take some of the sting out of Jin and Sun’s death if they were able to spend time with Ji Yeong in the flash-sideways since time is not an issue here.

If you understood what happened, it was a beautiful ending to a story that was about the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.  It was not a story about the Island or the mythology of the Island (though that was used to tell the survivors’ stories).  The story was what happened to the survivors and that was covered very well.

The battle between Jack and Smokie ended quicker than I expected, but it was emotionally compelling,and Kate getting a chance to “saved you a bullet” was a nice call back to earlier in the episode.

Everything with Hurley and Jack was heart-wrenching.  Jack knew what was going to happen and Hurley could not accept it (even though I think he knew as well).

I had a memory of a scene that I missed in the rewatch of the finale.  I remember Richard noticing that he had a grey hair forming.  My memory was this happened on the Ajira airplane, but I missed it in the rewatch.  That was one of my favorite little character moments so I hope it didn’t get edited out.

It was awesome to see the group reunited in the church afterwards, though I wondered about Miles and Faraday and Charlotte.  At least Miles should have made the cut as he spent three years in the Dharma Initiative with Sawyer and Jin.  Helen was not there with John Locke, but most of the memories with Helen came from the flash-sideways.  No Mr. Eko or Ana-Lucia (although it was nice to see her in the flash-sideways as the cop willing to take Hurley’s bribe money).  Lapidus wasn’t there either.

The heart of the Island with the giant cork was a bit hokey, but a lot of science fiction can be hokey.  It is more of a figurative metaphor than anything else.  It is the last thing that Jack needed to do for the Island.

The End was a beautifully written and acted episode and a fitting conclusion to the best show on television.  I am always so disappointed when people claim that LOST fell by the side in its later seasons.  If you have patience and if you understand what the show is about, there is so much here for you to love.  I had a hole in my heart for years after the show ended and I was reminded how wonderful this was watching these episodes over the last month or so.



LOST S6 E16 “What They Died For”

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Some really great character moments as the show barrelled toward the finish line.  We get a new Island Protector and we find out why the other candidates had to die.

Kate was very emotional when she confronted the ghost of Jacob about the reason Jin, Sun and Sayid died.  He did not make excuses or platitudes.  He did not dodge the question either.  He admitted to his mistake, the one that he has been trying to fix ever since.  It was the mistake we saw happen in “Across the Sea” where Jacob sent his brother down the hole to the heart of the Island and the Smoke Monster was created.  Jacob knew that the Monster was going to try and find a way to kill him and that he would one day succeed, so he had to find someone to replace him.

He claimed that Kate’s name is scratched off the wall simply because she became a mother (to Aaron), but that meant nothing more than a chalk mark on a wall.  He said the job was hers if she wanted it.  I liked how straightforward Jacob was in this moment and one wonders how well things would go if he had been as straightforward as this for his entire reign as Island Protector.  He did learn the secretive and manipulative manners from Mother and he would not have had any other examples.

Sawyer got mad at Jacob for playing with their lives and Jacob responded with the fact that none of the people he brought to the Island were happy or knew where they were.  They were lonely and lost and Jacob gave them an opportunity to find themselves and their purpose on the Island.

Jack stepped forward and agreed to take on Jacob’s responsibility and there was a ceremony with water from the stream.  Jacob repeated the “Now you are like me” line that Mother used.  Hurley said he was just glad it was not him, a line that even on my first viewing way back when, I took as foreshadowing.

While Ghost Jacob was doing his thing, John Locke arrived in New Otherton and crushed the heck out of Richard, knocking him into the jungle.  Dead?  Ben immediately took his place at Smokie’s side answering any question he wanted to know.  Specifically, where was Charles Widmore.  Widmore and Chloe were hiding in Ben’s closet and Ben was happy to share.

Locke went down to the hidden room with Ben, killed Chloe immediately and started asking Widmore questions.  Apparently, Jacob had returned to speak to Widmore recently and told him how to find the Island, refocusing his cynosure.  He was now concerned with Locke instead of Ben.  Locke told Widmore that if he did not tell him everything, the first thing he will do off the Island is kill Penny.  As Widmore was whispering to Locke, Ben shot Widmore to death saying that Charles did not get to save his daughter.

The whole situation with Charles only brought back the memories of Alex and her fate.  Miles had run into where Richard had buried her as they returned, causing him to pause.  Ben thanked Richard for burying her.

Desmond got out of the well apparently because when Locke and Ben arrived t kill him, he was gone.  Locke was happy though because he decided he was going to use Desmond to help destroy the Island.


LOST S6 E15 “Across the Sea”

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This is one of those totally divisive episodes of LOST that I loved.  “Across the Sea” was a great origin story of the Smoke Monster and it lent us a look at Jacob and his brother, along with the crazy Mother.

Allison Janney starred in this episode as Mother.  A woman who was already on the Island as the Protector when a ship crash landed on the shore and a pregnant woman came stumbling into the jungle. Mother helped the woman give birth to twins- she only had one name, Jacob- and then Mother killed her.

We saw how the Man in Black and Jacob developed over the years.  The Boy in Black discovered that he was from another land after conferring with the ghost of his birth mother.  He was already curious about what was out across the sea.

Jacob and the Boy in Black discovered the others from the ship and went to Mother.  Mother took them to the heart of the Island, the glowing light.  She said it must be protected above all else and that one of the boys were destined to take her place as protector of the Island.  On the way, she told them that they could never hurt each other.

The Boy in Black decided to leave and he wanted his brother Jacob t go with him, but Jacob refused and they started to fight.  The Boy in Black left to go with the other people.  Jacob stayed with Mother.

Mother eventually took Jacob and made him protector, despite Jacob not really wanting the job.  After drinking some wine, Mother said “Now you and I are the same.” Mother stopped the Man in Black from building the donkey wheel.  Then she went and killed the other people.  The Man in Black, angry from the betrayal, stabbed Mother with a knife (without letting her speak) and she died, thanking him.

Jacob arrived and was angry at his brother.  Jacob took the Man in Black to the light and knocked him out.  Mother had once warned him never to go down in the hole because that would be much worse than dying.  Jacob threw him into the water and it took him into the hole.  A few seconds later, the Smoke Monster roared from the hole.

Jacob found the body of his brother nearby and he took him and Mother to the caves and set them inside.  That made Mother and the Man in Black the skeletons that were found in the first season, Adam and Eve.

A major question in this episode… how did Mother kill all of those other people?  I believe that she was able to do that because she was already a Smoke Monster. She spoke about that hole being worse than death because she knows first hand.

Plus, if the Man in Black was the Adam skeleton, that means the Man in Black that we have been seeing since is actually not Jacob’s brother.  This means though that apparently the rules still apply as the Man in Black was unable to kill Jacob on his own.  However, Smokie retained the memories of the Man in Black which makes one wonder if he has all of Locke’s memories as well.  How about Christian or Yemi?  There is evidence that might support that as a fact.

Sure there are plenty of questions raised by this episode, but they’re the type that do not require an answer.  I actually like the uncertainty better.

Why is there so much hatred over this episode?  I think some probably hated the placement of the episode, the third to last episode of the series.  That is important though with how much the heart of the Island will play in the finale.  Some people hate when episodes raise questions and do not answer them.  I already said that does not bother me.  I can come up with solutions for everything.  I think some of the answers that were presented were just not the ones people wanted or that they disagreed with.

Any way, I really enjoyed “Across the Sea” and look forward to the final three hours of LOST.

LOST S6 E14 “The Candidate”

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The death of Jin and Sun was absolutely traumatic and yet beautiful.  Jin refusing to leave the side of his beloved Sun even one more was heartbreaking.  The imagery was gorgeous and yet horrible as the last picture we had of these two were being pulled apart.  Ji Yeon is now destined to grow up never to know her parents.

Wow.  I remember never expecting this.  After so much time apart, doing everything imaginable to reunite with one another, the show gave us an episode to see the Kwons together only to literally blow them apart.

The Kwons’ death tells us one thing.  The Man in Black/Locke is not the hero of this story.  He is ultimate evil.  He planned out getting all remaining candidates together on the submarine so they could kill each other.  The bomb was the perfect way to do it.  Jack knew that nothing was going to happen, but everything this season was leading to this moment.

We already saw dynamite fizzle away with jack around it back with Richard.  Jack totally believed that this bomb would be no different.  He had complete faith that the Island would not let them die…or that Locke was unable to do it himself.  Jack inferred, reasonably and correctly so, that if Locke could have killed them all, why hadn’t he done it already?  I have no doubt that the bomb would not have gone off if they had let it run down to 0:00.

The problem was that Sawyer had his hands on the wires, and the last time he trusted Jack with a decision of this magnitude, Juliet died.  Sawyer went ahead with Jack’s crazy scheme with Jughead, and it cost him the love of his life.  Sawyer wasn’t going to do that again.  By pulling the wires, Sawyer effectively was the person killing the candidates, not Locke.  Technicality but it feels like technicalities are vital to the Island and to Jacob’s rules.

Sawyer’s actions do give Sayid a chance to redeem himself from his trip to the Dark Side.  Sayid’s noble sacrifice reminded us all of one thing.  Despite the terrible things that Sayid had done over his lifetime, deep down he was a good man.  It is something that Sayid has been trying to reach since day one on the Island and with his final sacrifice, he was purged of his wrongdoings.

Remember, Sayid had not chosen to go to the Dark Side.  He had been shot and dipped in the Temple pool, which had been corrupted by Jacob’s death.  Sayid was literally infected by the Man in Black and it took him a long time to find his way out of the darkness.  Sayid’s choice was not, “I’m going to sacrifice myself and then I’ll be redeemed.”  Instead, it was “I am expendable because I am already dead inside” and by that, he becomes a hero again.

Jack, Hurley, Kate, along with an unconscious Sawyer, wash up on the beach in the lowest moment for all of them perhaps in the entire series.  They feel defeated and are grieving the loss of three friends (Lapidus is not dead yet!).

Such an emotional powerhouse of an episode that showed us the true extent of the characters, especially the Man in Black.  Last post I talked about how the Man in Black was honest and forthright and hated secrets.  Well, toss that all out the window because he is the monster that we always thought he was when the first sounds of the monster echoed across the beach.

If only we had an episode that told us the origin of the Man in Black…..


LOST S6 E13 “The Last Recruit”

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It was late last night that I watched this episode.  I had done it without writing the “Everybody Loves Hugo” post either because things are coming to an end and I am excited about the next episode.  That means these cliffhangers are doing their job.  If it hadn’t been so late last night, I would have gone on to the next LOST episode.  I almost did it anyway.

The interactions between Jack and the Locke/Man in Black are wonderful, and almost complete opposite of the conversations once held between Jack and our real John Locke.  Fascinating how much faith the “Man of Science” has in the Island now in comparison to before.

John seems completely reasonable about just wanting to leave the Island.  He is also very much straight forward with people and tells it like it is.  He is not in for secrets (although he does have his share).  This is very anti-Jacob and most likely that is the reason why Locke/Man in Black is that way.

We got the reunion of Jack and Claire, twice.  Once on the Island and once in the flash-sideways.  This is the first time that the brother-sister pair saw each other since the reveal came out.  It surprised me that Jack was willing to leave Claire behind when the big jailbreak happened, but I liked that Claire decided to follow along and showed how hurt she was by their betrayal.  Having Kate talk Claire down was a nice touch as well.

Jack and Sawyer had one more run in on the boat, and Jack decided that he needed to stay on the Island so, in a moment that mirrored Sawyer’s leap from the helicopter, Jack jumped from the boat and swam back to the Island, once again confusing Kate to no end.

And then….. FINALLY….

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Jin and Sun are reunited.  After many seasons and 30 years of time travel, Jin and Sun are in each other’s arms again.  It is short lived as Widmore’s forces showed up and apparently received orders to execute the group, but that does not make the moment any less sweet.

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With the war now under way, and Widmore’s bombs being tossed toward Locke’s group, John is able to save Jack and get him away from the shelling.  One wonders where the kids are (still with Cindy?)

“You’re with me now” John said eerily.

As I said, I would have watched another if the time had not been so late and I am very excited about revisiting the final four episodes of the series.

LOST S6 E12 “Everybody Loves Hugo”

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The show is into overdrive right now as things are speeding along to the finale.

We get a flash-sideways for Hugo, the most successful businessman in the flash-sideways world.  He donates to charity.  He buys businesses and provides jobs.  He is a sweetheart that receives awards galore.  Everybody loves Hugo.

But Hugo’s mother wants him to have a girlfriend.  She’s never happy.  Setting Hugo up with a blind date leads to a chance encounter with a distinctly out to lunch, figuratively and literally, Libby. Libby has memories of Hugo from another time and she was hoping that he had the same memories which would make her not crazy.  Hurley did not share the memories and Dr. Brooks redirected Libby back to the van to return her to the institution.

Hugo can’t get Libby out of his head so he goes to see her.  She seems considerably less cray-cray in this conversation than at the restaurant so Hugo asks her out on a date.  They wind up on a beach having a picnic, a picnic they did not get to have on the Island and they share a kiss, which triggered Hugo’s memories.

Hugo’s flash-sideways was a sweet one, with Desmond floating around keeping an eye on them like a guardian angel.  Of course, Desmond is anything but a guardian angel for Locke as he runs him down with his car after school one day.

Before leaving the flash-sideways world I want to have a shout out to Samm Levine, actor and former Movie Trivia Schmoedown Champion and Team Champion, who made an uncredited appearance here as Mr. Cluck’s worker.  It was cool to see a younger Samm Levine show up on LOST.

On the Island, Hugo was starting to show some real chops as well.  It is important to know that Hurley could be a person who takes over for Jacob.  He has never been one to lead the group, always blending into the background.  Here, Hurley is taking steps to be in charge.  At first, the information came form the dead- as Hugo sees and converses with Micahel, but eventually, Hugo makes his own choices.  Even Jack is following Hurley.  Hurley blowing up the Black Rock so Richard cannot use the dynamite on the airplane was a shocking moment as was Hurley’s decision that their next move was to go see Locke.  In grand LOST fashion, any decisions by leaders tends to split the group in half and Richard, Miles, and Ben take off on their own.

Michael, by the way, is stranded on the Island as a ghost, and he explains that the whispers are the restless spirits of the Island.  This explanation did not feel right, though I do like the idea that Michael is still being punished for his crimes.  The whispers always seemed to have something to do with the Others so there felt like there needed to be something else.  Perhaps the Others always stirred up the restless spirits because a bunch of them are from the Dharma Initiative and the Others were responsible for their deaths in a mass murder moment.

And there was an intense stare down as Jack and Locke come face to face once again.

Lots of other cool/shocking things this episode too:

  • Ilana blew up in a very Arzt manner.  It was a perfect ending to a character that never felt like she belonged.  Ben’s comment about how the Island was done with her was chilling as well.
  • Locke tossed Desmond down a well.  Locke certainly looked nervous around Desmond, whereas Desmond seemed perfectly calm.  That calmness, the lack of fear, really spooked Smokie.
  • The Island boy continued to taunt Smokie.  Desmond can see him as well.

LOST S6 E11 “Happily Ever After”

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I love Desmond-centric episodes.  They never fail to be awesome.

Desmond is such an important character in the world of LOST that when he was dragged out of that locked room on the sub, you knew things were going to pick up.

Of course, throwing him into that electromagnet turbine sure seemed an easy way to make this trip to the Island a short one for everybody’s favorite Scot.  However, Desmond showed once again that he was special, shaking off the blast as if it were nothing.

Whatever Widmore’s plans for Desmond are, it seemed that Des doesn’t mind any more.  The flash-sideways world, including his meeting with Penny, apparently has bolstered his confidence.

Love is becoming a major theme in this flash-sideways universe, and it is somehow connected to death.  Charlie’s near death experience on the plane led to him seeing flashes of Claire.  And Desmond’s car crash, thanks to Charlie, made him start remembering some important details.

But shaking hands with Penny, his constant, sent Desmond right back to the Island and the “real” world.

So when Desmond came back to consciousness with Penny, he had some kind of epiphany involving the others on the Oceanic 815 and he wanted a list.

It was great seeing Charlie and Daniel again this episode.  They have been missed.  It also seemed as if that tricky Eloise (Hawkins) Widmore knows more than she is letting on.

So now with Sayid having Desmond, who knows what is coming next.

LOST S6 E10 “The Package”

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It always seems that LOST follows up an exceptional episode with an average to below average one.  It happened with The Constant, Flashes Before Your Eyes, The Man from Tallahassee and now it has happened with Ab Aeterno.

“The Package” was a story following Sun and Jin in the flash-sideways world.  Couple of interesting tidbits.  They are not married.  Keemy and Mikhail are connected.  We find out how Jin got in that freezer.  Keemy was supposed to kill Jin for Paik (and Jin thanked him for it).

On Island, Sun hit her head running from Locke and she suddenly forgot how to speak English.  My guess is that her slash-sideways world was bleeding through here, but it felt like a bit of unimportant, maybe even lazy writing.

Jin is snatched by Widmore’s group, apparently to show him pictures of Ji Yeon.  Widmore wants more than that.

Locke has a confrontation with Widmore.  Widmore seems to be on Team keep Smokie on the Island, but I can not see him as a hero.  Especially after they bring out a drugged up Desmond from the sub.  Kidnapping?

Sayid told Locke that he feels nothing.  No anger.  No joy.  Nothing.  Almost as if he is dead.

Richard came back and told the group that they had to destroy the airplane to keep the Smoke Monster on the Island.

It felt like a place holder of an episode, that just dropped a few ideas and put things into place for what is coming.

LOST S6 E9 “Ab Aeterno”

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One of the best LOST episodes of the series features the long argued back story of the ageless one, Richard Alpert, once known as Ricardo.

Ricardo started his story at Tenerife, Canary Islands in 1867 with an adult aged Ricardo trying to save his dying wife Isabella.  We now know the age of Richard Alpert.  Ricardo, a poor man with little means, scraped together everything they had and went on horseback for a doctor.  He was told in no uncertain terms that he did not have enough money for the medication Isabella needed.  In a struggle over the medication, the doctor is accidentally killed.  Ricardo rushes back to his wife with the medication only to fins that he was too late and she had died.

Ricardo was sent to prison and was going to be hanged, but when it is revealed that Ricardo was teaching himself English, he be came more valuable and he was given to a ship’s captain to travel to the New World.

Ricardo was chained with the other slaves in the Black Rock, which gets caught up in a storm and crashes onto the Island, right through the statue of Taweret.

The Smoke Monster eventually showed up and killed the Black Rock crew (not before Captain Magnus Hanso stabbed all of the slaves with his sword…except Richard, of course.

The Man in Black attempts to manipulate Richard with visions of his dead wife Isabella and he sends Richard after Jacob with a knife using the same instructions that Dogen had told to Sayid when he sent him after Locke.

Richard does not come even close to killing Jacob as he is easily disarmed.  Richard believed that he was dead and they were in Hell, repeating a fan favorite theory about the Island.  Jacob repeatedly dunked Richard’s head into the water on the beachside until Richard claimed to want to live.

Jacob would make Richard immortal and use him as a second hand man for years.

Present day, we know that Richard had lost his faith in Jacob and had seen his life as a wasted time, becoming suicidal.  He left he beach to go and join Locke’s group, but Hurley followed him.  Richard was mad that Hurley came up to him, but Hurley was talking to Isabella.

The scenes between Richard and Isabella were beautifully done and really helped to understand the character of Richard.  Richard had always been a enigma since his introduction but this laid everything out for him.  Isabella is able to refocus and save Richard from doing something stupid.


LOST S6 E8 “Recon”

Who knew we really all wanted a Sawyer-Miles police procedural?

The flash-sideways made us take a look at a different path that Sawyer could have taken.  There was not much different about our favorite redneck except that fact that he is a police detective here instead of a con man, partnered up with Miles.

I would watch Sawyer and Miles as LAPD Detectives.  It just sounds awesome.

Meanwhile, Island Sawyer is paddling the boat over to Hydra Island, by request of Locke, for recon.  And lo and behold, there was Charles Widmore.  setting up sonic pylons like those that surround the barracks.  Plus, the remainder of the survivors of Ajira 316 are all dead.

Sawyer worked out a deal with Widmore to bring Locke to him so he could kill him.  On the other hand, Sawyer is setting John up as well.  His plan is to let the two of them kill each other while he and Kate escape on the submarine.

By the way, there is a locked room on the submarine that they trotted Sawyer past that obviously contained something important.

This episode also included Claire jumping Kate and trying to stab her to death.  Locke stopped Claire from succeeding, but the entire situation shook Kate.  Locke told Kate a story about his own mother, who was crazy, in order to point out that Aaron now had a crazy mother, and to imply that Kate needed to be aware of that.

Recon was more of a set up episode on the Island, though Sawyer-Miles detective show would be a hit.


LOST S6 E7 “Dr. Linus”


Again, the flash-sideways has given us a chance for these characters that we have loved for so long to take one of their flaws and improve upon it.

This week it is Benjamin Linus, the consummate villain of LOST.  However, Ben Linus has been reduced from leader to beaten down lackey.

And int he flash-sideways, Dr.Linus was given a chance to redo the biggest mistake in his entire life, figuratively.  Dr. Linus discovered from his student Alex Rousseau (yep, that Alex) that the principal of the school was having an illicit affair with the nurse, Linus found evidence and intended on blackmailing him to resign as principal and recommend Dr. Linus for the job.

Substitute teacher John Locke suggested that Linus should be principal because he cared about the school and the students more than the administrators did.  Linus was attracted to the power and moved forward with the plan.  We know Ben has always desired power and he would do practically anything for it.

However, the principal had a ace up his sleeve. When Ben approached him with the blackmail, the principal said that if he went through with this, he would torch a recommendation to Yale that Alex Rousseau had asked him to write.

Alex had already expressed to Ben how much she needed to get into Yale and she worried that she would never make it because of money.  She needed a recommendation from a former Yale graduate.  She made this seem like life and death for her.

So here Ben was again.  He could push forward with his own plan to hold on to his power at the figurative cost of Alex’s life or he could give up his power and save her life.

This was just like the literal Alex and Keemy situation where Ben had chosen to hold on to his power, leading to Alex’s execution.  It is a brilliant juxtaposition by the LOST writers to be able to place Ben back in that situation again.

Of course, Dr. Linus chooses the better path than Ben Linus did, and Alex gets her recommendation.

Meanwhile on the Island, we have two people facing internal crises.  Ben is being forced to dig his own grave by Ilana, who found out that Ben was the actual person to have murdered Jacob.  The second person was Richard, who was looking for a chance to die and he was enlisting the help of Jack.

Ben was approached by Locke and he offered Ben control of the Island after Locke and his group departed.  Richard ran into Hurley and Jack and led them to the Black Rock and away from the Temple, where everybody was dead.

Ben took off into the jungle after a gun (told to him by Locke) with Ilana in pursuit.  Richard brought Jack inside the Black Rock and pulled out a stick of dynamite.  Richard said he was unable to kill himself but he needed Jack to do it.

Ben got to the gun and got the drop on Ilana, but he did not shoot her.  He only wanted to explain.  Jack agreed and lit the dynamite, sitting down next to Richard.

Ben explained about how he had made the decision to choose the Island over Alex and how much he regretted that, but how Jacob didn’t even care.  Ben said he was so angry.  He had sacrificed everything only to be tossed aside.  Jack told Richard that he knew that dynamite wouldn’t explode because Jack was important and had been brought here for a reason.  So Jack was willing to sit there and let it blow up. believing that it would not.

Ben told Ilana he just wanted to go to Locke because he was the only one who would have him. Ilana said that she would have Ben.   Jack closed his eyes and the dynamite fizzled out.  Jack snarkily said, “You wanna try another stick.”

The performances in this episode were out of this world.  The scene between Ben and Ilana is one of the best of the series, and Richard’s off-balance behavior was the best we have seen Nestor Carbonell as the never aging Other.

And the fantastic episode ended with another reunion scene of Jack, Hurley and Richard arriving on the beach and having everyone happy to see them.  Ben stood back out of the way, still the outsider with more to prove.

And then there was a sub with Charles Widmore approaching the Island.

LOST S6 E6 “Sundown”

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The Others meet their end at Sundown.

The infected Sayid delivered them a message from Locke.  Come and join him, leave the Island or die.

This was after Sayid attempted to stab Locke in the chest with a dagger given to him by Dogen.  Locke reacted very calmly to the assassination attempt, simply explaining to Sayid that Dogen had sent Sayid here intending on Locke killing him.  Locke, instead, made a deal with everyone’s favorite Iraqi.

Sayid delivered the message and promptly found Dogen.  After a few minutes of learning about Dogen’s deal with Jacob, Sayid grabbed him and drowned him in the same pond that they “saved” Sayid in.  Follow this up with a quick slash of Lennon’s throat, and Sayid had completely gone evil.  The look Sayid gave Ben a few minutes later told the story remarkably well.

Thankfully, Ilana, Frank, Sun and Ben arrived just in time to rescue Miles.  Kate went to find Claire, but she realized that Claire is a bit nutso.  It was not before Kate had told Claire that she had Aaron and had raised him for the last three years.  Kate walked out with Sayid and Claire to Locke’s people, which turned an eye from the old Smokie.

The Temple was devastated by the Smoke Monster and the bodies were scattered everywhere.

The flash-sideways were okay this episode, focusing on Sayid and his attempt to be a good man.  Sayid’s plight was echoed both in the flash-sideways and the Island, and in both instances, Sayid failed in his attempt.  I would guess that we get more Sayid in flash-sideways since he found Jin bound and gagged in the freezer after he dispatched Keemy and his foolish men.  Sayid is clearly the biggest kick ass character on this show.