Sweet Tooth S3 E4


“Beyond the Sea”

We are now half way through the final season of Sweet Tooth and this was a dark, very emotional episode all around.

This is probably the best episode of the final season so far because it centered so much on Gus and what he had to do, not only to continue his quest to Alaska, but to honor the dead on the Whale’s Song, the boat they were trying to get to at the end of episode 3.

The boat had been shut down because the crew and passengers had all been exposed and died from the sick. All except one person, named Darwin. With Darwin’s help, Gus was able to remove all of the bodies from the ship while giving them all burials at sea.

The powerhouse moments of watching this little boy drag wrapped up bodies and throw them into the ocean, while providing a voice over eulogy, was truly a beautiful and touching homage to these people. Understand, we knew none of these people on the boat, but the way the moment affected Gus was how it affected us as the audience.

It made it even worse when we discovered that Darwin had also contracted the sick and he killed himself by falling overboard. Not before he set the boat up to continue its trek to Alaska.

I really thought that this was where Jepp was going to get his. The show teased that he had been exposed to the sick and that this was where Big Man was going to die. However Singh was able to test him and proved that he was free of the sick. I really do have a bad feeling about Jepp’s fate this season and I think that if something does happen to Bog Man, it is going to be crushing.

Meanwhile, we continue to see how horrific Mrs. Zhang is as she does not care what gets in her way in her wish to capture the ‘deer boy’ as she puts it. Her total dismissal of her grandson’s injury shows what she thinks of hybrids and her coldness toward her own daughter makes her a cruel individual.

The flash of hope at the end of the episode helped to place the rest of the episode into context. It was an episode about death, about remembering, about honoring, and about surviving. Gus remains perhaps the strongest character on the entire show.

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