Sweet Tooth S3 E5


“The Tail-Tell Heart”

We arrive in Alaska and all hell breaks loose.

Sweet Tooth, Dr. Singh and Big Man make it to Alaska and meet up with  Siana and Nuka. The other people at the outpost were not pleased to see them. One of Zhang’s men had seen Gus arrive and had radioed his boss to reveal that Gus was already there.

So many things are converging at the outpost. When Zhang arrived, she threatened the other people to reveal where Gus and the others were. I was surprised that this group, who did not love that Gus was here, held fast to the information.

Gus and Nuka had escaped through the vents but they were too small for anyone else. Jepp tried to buy some tie by stalling Zhang, but that was when Dr. Singh betrayed them all. He came forward and told Zhang that he knew where Gus was and he would lead her to him.

What a scumbag. I did not see his betrayal coming, although it was clear that he was more into the journal of Captain Thacker than anything else. His ominous look when he saw the page that said it all started when I sacrificed the deer was chilling. I still had hoped that he wasn’t a lowlife that he had always been. I had hoped that Gus’ kindness had won him over.

Nope. Still nothing more than a lowlife asshole. He burned the journal in front of Zhang so only he could lead her to the cave and do what was needed. Dr. Singh really needs to pay the price for his betrayal, hopefully in the next few episodes.

Wendy saving Becky was a cool moment in the episode as well. Loved when Wendy smacked little jerk off Jordan with that wrench (or whatever it was). That guy had been asking for it too.

The wolf hybrid grandsons of Zhang tracked Gus and cornered him by the pipeline, but he helped by Caribou Man. Gus saved Caribou Man after the wolves had nearly got him.

The show is getting quite tense and the end is coming soon. Singh has to get his though. He and Zhang are just horrendous people, even if they believe their overall goal is a good thing.

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