Doctor Who Special 2: Wild Blue Yonder

I am not a long time viewer or fan of Doctor Who. My knowledge of the character and the shows are limited. Last week’s special was fun. This week’s second special, Wild Blue Yonder, was unbelievably awesome.

The Doctor (David Tennant) and Donna (Catherine Tate) crash landed the out-of-control Tardis on a seemingly deserted spaceship at the end of time. The Tardis then dematerialized, sensing a danger, stranding The Doctor and Donna on the ship to face the mystery of what had happened.

I do not want to spoil anything here. Let me just say that this was one of the best science fiction stories I have seen in ages. The cleverness of this episode and the creativity of the situation that The Doctor and Donna found themselves in is steeped in sci-fi history yet provided some much originality and pay off for those who have watched the franchise.

The only thing that I would criticize about this special would be that someone like me who has just come to the franchise now, with a very limited amount of Who knowledge, would not understand as much as those who have watched them all. That is not a bad thing and I do not think it is required viewing to watch this special. I just think that it would have made this a richer experience.

However, I thought the last 25 minutes of this special was just spectacular and I was completely thrilled with the story. The cliffhanger made me ready to see the thrid sepcial next week.

4.6 stars