Man from Atlantis S1 E15



Pat Morita guest starred as a strange little man named Moby, a being from another world whose touch causes people to regress to a childhood state and laugh without a care in the world. While that sounds like fun, the humans wind up in dangerous situations.

In fact, Moby told some of the crew of the submarine that discovered him to go swimming and they happily climbed into the air lock and drowned. We did not see their eventual fates, but that is absolutely what happened.

The idea behind Moby is clearly someone like Mr. Mxyzptlk from DC Comics or a story similar to “Naked Time” from the original Star Trek series. However, this was a little annoying at times.

The ending where Mark shows Moby the dangers of his actions was a solid ending to this story. Mark continues to be the most noblest character on the show.

It was interesting that Moby’s powers did not work on Mark and that Moby knew that they would not because Moby recognized Mark as from “down there.” This was never explored but it was a intriguing nod to the differences of the character of Mark Harris.

This is the final episode of the series for Belinda Montgomery, who played Elizabeth. To be fair, the character of Elizabeth neve really got her due from this series. I am sure that she will be missed over the final couple of episodes.

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