The X-Files S5 E12


“Bad Blood”

This is one of my favorite, if not my favorite, X-Files episodes of all time. “Bad Blood” is a monster-of-the-week story involving vampires, but the best part of the episode is the humor. This is one of the funniest X-Files episodes in the entire series.

The concept behind the episode was Mulder and Scully telling the story of what happened in their case in Texas, describing what happened in each of their own POVs. While the scenes were similar, little differences between the way Mulder saw things and the way Scully saw things were just hilarious.

Even more intriguing was how Mulder and Scully saw the other one. Scully’s tale had Mulder being more exuberant and not very forthcoming while Mulder saw Scully as irritated and snipy.

Luke Wilson guest starred as Sheriff Hartwell, both with and without buck teeth. The running gag of Scully’s attraction to him was in both of their stories and led to Mulder adding the detail of the buck teeth, assumingly out of jealousy.

Some of my favorite lines/moments from “Bad Blood” :

  • “It’s not that Mexican goat sucker either”
  • “I was drugged!”
  • Scully getting hungry during an autopsy because she saw pizza in the stomach contents.
  • Mulder’s “Yee-haw” and Scully’s “Hoo-boy”
  • Mulder throwing the sunflower seeds, saving himself.
  • “Probably Cause of Death: Gee, that’s a tough one”
  • In Scully’s version: Mulder does the Shaft theme song to which Mulder responds “I DID NOT!”
  • “I just put money in the magic fingers” -Scully’s total disappointment.
  • The small intestine sliding out from the scale.

That is just a sampling of the brilliance of this episode. As I stated, if this is not my number one episode of the X-Files, it is certainly in argument for the top three. It is wholly original and provided Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny a perfect situation to show off their excellent comedic timing. It also allowed a look inside the minds of Mulder and Scully to how they can see the other person in their partnership at times.

“Bad Blood” is outstanding.

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