The X-Files S5 E3


“Unusual Suspects”

I started this episode on Tuesday night. However, we had a horrible storm go through my city, knocking out my internet access (and the power for a time). I was about halfway through the episode when the internet went down. With the normally busy Wednesday, I did not get back to this episode until tonight when I was able to finish it up on Hulu.

“Unusual Suspects” was a back story of the Lone Gunmen, how they came to be together and how they ended up meeting Mulder.

This was also a crossover episode with NBC’s series Homicide: Life on the Street with a guest appearance from Richard Belzer as Detective John Munch.

The idea for the Lone Gunmen focused episode came about when David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson needed time to finish the X-Files movie.

X made a “return” in this flashback episode, as one of the men behind the problem at the center of this episode, which helped cement the paranoia of the trio.

However, I am not sure why X allowed the Lone Gunmen to live at the end of the episode after they saw as much as they saw. I can understand why he let Mulder live, but why them?

This episode was fine, but it does suffer from the same issue as many of these kind of shows, that place secondary characters in their own lead episodes. Much like the Miss Dipesto episodes of Moonlighting, these episode was fine, but was missing something. In this episode, what was missing was Scully.

As I said, this episode was okay, but just not to the level I am used to for the X-Files.

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