Bates Motel S1 E3


“What’s Wrong with Norman?”

The third episode of Bates Motel shows that there is something off about young Norman Bates. He blacked out during school, he took a belt from the rapist Norma killed and kept it as a memento, and seemed to not remember when he attacked Dylan from episode two.

The mental illness showed its ugly head early in this series. We all know where Norman Bates ends up, and it makes sense that he would have these issues as a young man. But you wouldn’t have guessed that he would be as likable as Freddie Highmore made him.

Norma is in full manipulation mode, but she has apparently gotten herself involved with Deputy Zack Shelby, who discovered the belt under Norman’s bed and took it before Sheriff Romero saw it. However, Norman, who had a delusion that Norma told him to take care of the belt, sneaking into Shelby’s house to search for the belt, discovered something shocking. A girl chained up in Shelby’s basement.

We get a touch of a relationship between Norman and Dylan. The step-brothers had a minor scene that told a lot. It hinted to Dylan that maybe something was not right with Norman.

Emma got a glimpse at Norman’s darker side when he rebuked her decision to go to the police with the journal with the artist renditions of the Chinese woman in it. Norman was fairly scary when he snipped at Emma that he did not want the police involved.

Bates Motel has been great in these first few episodes as we watch the creation of an iconic movie villain.

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